
Members are chosen each year from the upcoming class of second year day/evening students and upcoming class of third year evening students. Along with several of the other journals on campus, we select out members through the summer joint write-on competition. In addition, a relatively small number of students grade on to the journal.

Transfer students should contact Lindie Gibbs,, immediately if interested in joining the Connecticut Insurance Law Journal. Transfer students must submit a resume and either a writing sample containing a minimum of twenty footnote citations or a writing sample and a completed bluebook exercise, which will be provided upon request.

Our members have a broad background of skills and academic interests. Some current members have years of experience in the insurance industry. Most take a number of courses in insurance law. In their first year with the Journal, new members complete approximately four to six cite-checks and write a note or a comment. In their second year of membership, most members choose to run for a position on the Editorial Board. Please contact Lindie Gibbs,, for inquiries about membership.